marți, 4 noiembrie 2014

Hiking trip - part 2

On the second day of the trip we walked to Praia dos Maces (first picture): an incredible place to swim a little and admire the ocean and the mountains. The little village around the beach seemed cosy too, with a lot of seafood restaurants that were not that expensive and lots of turists for this time of the year (don't wanna imagine how it's in the summer season)

After this stop, we continued our walk around the ocean coast until the little city Azenhas do Mar (before entering the city, there is a little belvedere point where you can see all the coast up to Cabo da Roca  and ever further away in both directions), which it's absolutely incredible. A very small city, with traditional Portuguese houses and the most peaceful atmosphere - a precious little gem encrusted on the mountain's peak and hanging above the ocean.

I absolutely loved this places and the coast line and I am very sad that we were too tired to go also to Praia Grande and Praia Pequena that were around 4 km away and which I heard that are gorgeous..but maybe next time.